Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Tuesday WOD

On Tuesday, I normally take a spin class, but since my fabulous spin instructor wouldn't be at class tonight, I decided to come up with a Plan B.  Today, I hopped on the treadmill for 2.2 miles (average pace of 6.8 m.p.h with a time of 19:18).  I then did three rounds of:

20 kettlebell swings (20 kg)
15 push ups
90 second plank
90 second wall sit

If I were to do this again, I'd do something else between the push ups and planks -- butterfly crunches, perhaps.

Confession: I'm not a fan of running, although I have a burning desire to run a 5K.  I guess I believe that I should be capable of running 3.1 miles, and it's something I've wanted to do for a long time.  Do I necessarily have to train for it?  What's the best way to find a 5K to register for?  I plan on keeping most of my workouts CrossFit intense, but I know I should also run hard as well. 

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