Tuesday, January 4, 2011

WOD and food

Per request of my sister, I'll be posting exercise routines and meal ideas here.  Comments, questions, and recommendations are always welcome!

Workout Of the Day:

5 rounds of:
Rowing 250 meters
10 burpees with push up and vertical jump
20 squats

all for time.

I completed my rounds in 17:15, and I think next time I'll push for 6 rounds in under 20 minutes.  It was tough, but wonderful and amazing.  Rowing always kicks my butt, and I try to sprint as I row.  I finished my workout with some planks on the stability ball and butterfly crunches.  Unlike the video, I come all the way up -- not sure if it matters -- any thoughts?

After the gym, I came home and put together a pretty easy dinner of grilled, grass fed beef, sauteed tomatoes, and steamed green beans:

I love this meal because it's colorful, tasty, and super easy.  For the meat (which I got at my local grocery store -- no hormones or antibiotics in it!), I put on the Montreal Steak Dry Rub.  I can read all of the ingredients in the rub, and it's mostly salt, pepper, sunflower seed, and paprika.  But don't add too much, or else it's overwhelming.

For the tomatoes, I used:
1 pound grape tomatoes
1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves of garlic, minced (with a garlic press)
basil (in this case, dried, but fresh basil tastes wonderful)

I put the oil in the pan, added the garlic, and sauteed the tomatoes until they started to shrivel and soften.
Green beans were steamed, and dinner was on the table in under 25 minutes (with a lot of the cooking time spent by me reading the junk mail that arrived today!)

Any great meals you've had or cooked lately?  What do you enjoy to eat (or cook?)


  1. Just made this but with Chicken. Very tasty. Thanks for the idea. Never knew you could saute tomatoes. Yummy!

  2. Lori,
    Glad you liked it! I think tomatoes taste a lot better this way. I'll post more recipes soon!

