Monday, January 24, 2011

Quickie Post for a Quickie WOD

It's cold in Boston -- colder than normal.  It reached a high of 12 degrees.  Thankfully, years of living in the Chicagoland area trained me for the ridiculously cold, but it's one of those day where you don't really want to do much.
It was also a busy day, full of grading/getting grades submitted/finishing writing reflections on my students.  It was one of those work days where you could easily justify skipping the gym.  I didn't want to take the almost hour it would take to get back and forth to the gym, but I needed something to break up the monotony of staring at papers/my gradebook/my computer.  I needed to get some blood flowing and feel a bit more energized.

Thus, the quickie winter workout of the day, where you don't need to go anywhere!  Any living room/family room will do:

Three rounds of

-2 minutes jumping jacks
-1 minute plank
-15 push ups
-25 squats

Definitely enough to get you sweating and moving in 15 minutes.

If you can't do the push up, do 5 to 8 push up negatives instead.  It's not worth doing "modified" push ups, and it will help you get to push ups faster!
If two minutes of jumping jacks is a bit much, do jumping jacks for just one minute, or break up the two minutes -- have one minute before the plank, 1 minute after.


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