Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Modifications and a new PR

I know there are lots of other women out there who wonder how they can still do CrossFit (or exercise) while pregnant, especially as they progress into the second and third trimesters.  Halfway through my second trimester, I'm lucky that my modifications have been minimal so far.  Basically, I've started to lower my weights for barbell work (yesterday I dropped a WOD of cleans and push presses from 80 pounds to 65 pounds), switched from burpees to burps (burps are burpees without flopping yourself on the ground), and am trying to move away from exercises on my back, just to start to get used to the transition.  (This means that planks can show up a lot!)  I've also regressed on my pull up and need to use a stronger resistance band, and sometimes I sub inverted rows on the rings.
But I still have moments of strength, and had a great one today.  Today was "Nate," one of the hero WODs.  It's an AMRAP 20 of 2 muscle ups, 4 handstand push ups, and 8 kettlebell swings (2 pood for men, 1.5 pood, or 53 pounds, for women).  My muscle ups are non-existant, my HSPUs don't come anywhere near the floor, but I love kettlebell swings.  A lot.  They are perhaps one of my favorite CF exercises.  Normally, women use 1 pood, or a 35 pound kettlebell.  I've never even picked up a heavier kettlebell.  But once I knew 1.5 pood was the prescribed weight for women, I had to try it.

Long story short, after warming up to the heavier weight, and with the blessing of my coach, I was pumped to use it for my WOD -- and was successful!  It was a little challenging to balance a heavier weight at first, but the more swings I did, the more I got used to it, and ended up with 88 KBS in all.

So, the take home for me is that there are good days and there are more difficult days at the box.  Regardless, I can still be (safely) adventurous with my workouts, even at five and a half months into my pregnancy.  The human body is strong and capable, and I felt so accomplished when I left my box today.  I did what I've always aimed to do -- I listened to my body, and today was awesome.

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