Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hitting a CF roadblock

I apologize for the hiatus -- the NewFitter competition left me so excited that it was hard to come down from my cloud of giddy excitement/overall happiness.  And then, bam!  All excitement ceased when I came back to my regular CrossFit workouts to confront two tough moves for me -- the power snatch and the pull up.

My Olympic weight lifting can be pretty horrible at times, (which I'll talk about in the future), but my pull ups!  Goodness gracious, they are my enemy.  My nemesis.  Pull ups are one exercise where I literally cringe and want to run in the bathroom and hide when I see listed for a workout.  Each time they're in a WOD, they bring me nearly to tears.  Why?  Because I can't seem to figure out how to do one.  Even though I'm a pretty strong girl, pull ups are still a mystery.

Everyone I know has encouraged me to kip, but I have yet to really get the form/momentum to get even a successful swing down.  And it's something that I so desperately want to be able to do, but each time I try, I get impatient, frustrated, and become a self-loathing monster.  It's pretty ugly, actually.

In WODs, I've been using resistance bands to try dead hang pull ups, and I become so angry that there's practically steam coming out of my ears.  My normally chipper attitude and general exercise excitement flies out of the room.  I get cranky.  And I'm not very pleasant.  And I still can't figure out the damn kip, even with a resistance band.  I'm so over these dead hang pull ups, but I'm so impatient with pull ups that I feel like I'm running around in circles with absolutely no progress.

(It looks so easy here!  From CrossFit Revival)

One thing that's clear to me -- this pull up problem is largely a mental roadblock.  But now, I need to figure out how to slow down, take a step back, and meet my goal of ten unassisted pull ups in just over two months.  (Am I allowed to cut that goal down to five pull ups?  Or one?  I'd prefer not to, but...)

Alright, community: I need your help. 
How did you overcome an exercise roadblock (or another life roadblock)?
How should I approach my most loathsome enemy, the pull up? 
What goals are you looking to meet (or you've met?  I could use some good news!)

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