Sunday, January 16, 2011


Alright, I've noticed that my WOD have the similar theme of running 400 meters.  I'm not a huge runner, but I'm trying to vary up my workouts, and somehow have gotten on this kick of running laps in between sets.  (You can always hop on the rowing machine or bike instead).

On Friday, I arrived at the gym, completely unmotivated and unwillingly to do anything.  So, I did one of the most painful exercises I could think to do: row 500 meters.  (Note:  the most I've ever rowed was a 5K, in 26 minutes and change, and it was the most torturous experiences of my life.  I'll have to do another one soon.  I'm masochistic like that.  Surviving a row makes me feel like a stronger person).
I also had left my ipod at home, so I had nothing to distract me during my row.  It was just me and the machine, baby.
I pushed through to row 500m in 1:56 -- my fastest row ever! (My last record was 1:59 in December, and my first 500m row was 2:12 in July.  I think).
After hopping down to the front desk to grab a pen to record my victorious moment, and spending far too long catching my breath and gabbing to the girl at the front desk, I grabbed my WOD record book, and flipped through it to find ideas for the rest of my workout.  It has a list of suggested CrossFit workouts, most of which intimidate me:

I love my CRCF WOD book, and I try to record my workouts whenever I remember.  Why?  To make sure I'm mixing up my exercise routines, and to record any new records I've set, and to track my overall progress.

I settled on the Claudia:
20 kettlebell swings (I used a 20 kg kettlebell, which is about 45 pounds)
400 meter run
x 5

Man, this workout killed me.  I have no idea why.  I took far too many breaks between the KB swings and the laps but I finished in 23 minutes.  It was definitely worth it.

What really helped me was seeing Paul, someone I've gotten to know at the gym because we always work out at the same time.  Paul is retired, incredibly supportive, and thinks I'm a rockstar athlete because I can sprint on the rowing machine and do burpees.  As I struggled to make my last KB swings and laps, he came over to give me a big thumbs up.  It's what I needed to finish a tough work out.

A supportive network has truly made the biggest difference in my life.  I have gotten to know lots of clients and trainers at my gym, and we all motivate one another to keep on going.  Part of the reason I cannot wait to start at CRCF on Wednesday is to have that strong community -- but more on the importance of community later.  Happy Sunday!

Let me know if you try any of my WODs or if you have a WOD of your own!  I'd love to try it!

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