Saturday, April 2, 2011

CrossFit Competition

Tomorrow, I will be competing in a CrossFit competition for beginners.  It's aptly named "NewFitters," and it's between my CRCF and two other local affiliates.  Really, it's a great opportunity for people who are still trying to learn the ways of CrossFit to have the chance to get their feet wet into the competition world.  Honestly, I think it's a lovely idea, and I'm scared out of my mind.

First, I can't believe that I'll actually be a part of an athletic competition.  It's not necessarily a lack of self-esteem; it's a "I can't believe that I am seen as being competent at anything remotely athletic."  I mean, gosh, it's really only be a few months since I've taken athletics somewhat seriously.  I've never played a physically competitive game in my life; heck, I haven't even played a pick up game of basketball or ultimate frisbee.  So, in a way, it's somewhat humbling.  But I'm unsure of how I should approach it.

Second, the competition involves three mystery WODs.  It's perhaps the feeling of the unknown that's scary, although I don't know if knowing the WODs would be particularly useful knowing the workouts ahead of time; in fact, that might be more terrifying!  I also want to do a great job representing CRCF -- what if I fall on my face or can't finish a WOD?  What if I vomit on a judge's feet?  Nerves are starting to get to me!

Third, I really don't know how I'm supposed to prep, other than stretching and drinking some water.  Do I bring food to eat between WODs?  A change of socks?  How do I calm myself down?  How do I approach each WOD?  I want to make sure I have enough stamina to make it through.

So, I ask all of you:  how do you prepare for a competition, race, etc.,.? Any words of wisdom or advice?


  1. We never expect people to know how to prepare for their first event. We prepare you for the WOD but the psychological aspect is harder to prepare for. We try to take care of the things you will likely forget or not think of (we have the food and drinks for our team) and Coach E will take everyone through a warm up. The rest is all heart. Relax and have fun. That is all that matters.

  2. Whatever you did to prepare, Lindsey, was right on. Congratulations on winning your first fitness competition!
