Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The start of month five!

At 18 weeks, this cartoon pretty much sums up my current physical state.  I can still get away with most of my pants, although the pants that used to be huge on me are now just comfortable.  But I'm not yet big enough for maternity clothes.  It's a bit of a quandary, so I did end up buying the Be Band from Target.  I wore it for the first time today with my skinny jeans (which had to be retired about a week and a half ago), but I'm not completely sold on it.  I felt like my jeans were going to slip off all day, and I did feel self conscious about not having my pants buttoned.  I could see, however, the psychological merit in using the Be Band post-partum to get back into regular pants faster.  So, I think my clothing goal is to find longer shirts, leggings, and stretchy pants that aren't maternity to make it through until I need to make the full switch.  Any recommendations on places to shop or clothes to try?
I think a little bump is starting to show -- I'm post a picture later this week.  I may regret saying this, but I'm definitely ready to look pregnant.  I'm also ready to figure out if the gurgles and flutters I've felt are actually the baby, and not just a figment of my imagination!
On Monday, I had an amazing CrossFit WOD.  For a strength, we did a dead stop deadlift (where you have to take your hands of the bar during each rep) for a 3 rep max.  I comfortably did a 185 lb deadlift, which makes me feel better about not being about to deadlift 155 last week!  For our WOD, we did cleans and 100 meter runs.  I can still clean the bar!  While the prescribed weight was 115, I was nervous to try and clean that much, so I did 90 fairly easily.  It was nice to feel strong and accomplished at the box.
Today was a more 'interesting' workout of Tabata This.  For those of you not familiar with the CrossFit world, tabata is a workout where you do a movement for 20 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds.  You complete eight rounds of this sequence.  Your score is the lowest number of reps that you complete in the 20 seconds,  It's really beneficial to pace yourself, since eight rounds is a lot, especially when you have five movements to complete.  Tabata This includes rowing for calories, air squats, pull ups, push ups, and sit ups.  Luckily, I can still do sit ups, although I think that soon will change.  I pulled off a score of 39 for my tabata (I rowed 4 calories in 20 seconds, did 16 air squats, four banded pull ups, five push ups, and 10 sit ups).  I try to avoid WODs like tabata since I like to make sure I have the ability to take rests and breaks as needed, but I was able to pace myself, so it wasn't too awful.  
Things I've recently learned about pregnancy:
- I need to eat constantly, and I need to eat a lot.  I learned this the hard way, when I woke up at 3a.m. the other night, feeling extremely nauseous.  After sitting in the bathroom for about 10 minutes, I finally figured out that I was really hungry, so I had a bland, non-paleo snack, and after a few minutes, I felt great.  Lesson learned: this baby needs and loves food.
- Just because my eating is not as clean as it used to be doesn't mean that I'm a horrible eater, nor does it mean that I won't be able to get back on track post-partum.
- People love to give advice.  Some of it is helpful; some of it is not.  I'm trying to ignore the less helpful tidbits!
Any advice for the second trimester?

1 comment:

  1. For the clothes - yoga pants!! It's still what I'm wearing postpartum, too. And about the food stuff - sounds just like me, in terms of needing food IMMEDIATELY when you get hungry! Go easy on your self with the weight lifting, though - I was working out until 18 weeks when my ligaments stretched and I seriously hurt my pelvis - I was in physical therapy for the rest of pregnancy and could barely walk, and am just now getting back into walking and light exercise. Your body is so different now, and not really your "own" - don't feel bad if it is not able to do what it could do before. You have the rest of your life to do these workouts - only a few more months to grow this baby! Best of luck, Lindsey!
